Digital Literacy Resources

The Chronicle of Higher Education: Expanding the Digital Curriculum
See how colleges and universities are enhancing digital literacy to prepare students for tomorrow’s jobs.

What Hiring Managers Want, a Chronicle of Higher Education Infographic
View an infographic from The Chronicle of Higher Education showing what hiring managers at major companies and nonprofit organizations nationwide look for in new hires, especially as the outbreak of Covid-19 continues to upend education and the economy.

Changing Worlds: College to Career Adobe Podcast featuring Jeff Selingo
The pandemic accentuated important questions about the role of colleges in preparing students for a rapidly evolving future. Hear from New York Times bestselling author, journalist and education thought leader, Jeff Selingo, as he explores some of the most pressing challenges facing higher education today.

The Role of Digital Literacy in STEM Education
Read how MIT student, Hilary Diane Andales, describes her journey from science student to creative story teller with Adobe's digital tools.

The Chronicle of Higher Education
On-Demand Virtual Forums
Check out a series of Chronicle of Higher Education webinars sponsored by Adobe, sharing how colleges can ready their students to enter a challenging workforce. The series examined the disconnect between the lessons higher education teaches and the skills employers need; and how colleges can bridge that gap. The discussion focused on the development of soft skills in an environment that ins increasingly remote and digital.
Watch on Demand:
What Employers Want Virtual Forum
Preparing for the Upended World of Work Virtual Forum
The Right Curriculum for Digital Skills

Digital Literacy White papers
See how students benefit from digital literacy in both of these white papers. By learning to use digital tools like Adobe Creative Cloud, students develop creative and persuasive communication skills that help them succeed in school and in their careers. Both white papers share statistics and perspectives on the importance of digital literacy in higher education during this time of disruption and uncertainty.
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Critical Digital Literacy Webinar Series
Critical Digital Literacy: Stories of Community and Social Justice in the Aftermath of 2020
View this on-demand webinar with academic leaders from Winston-Salem State University, Mesa Community College, and Clemson University as they share their perspectives and learnings from 2020 on community and social justice and the impact of digital literacy.
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Engaging Students Through Distance Learning
View this on-demand webinar with academic leader, Melissa Vito, to hear how The University of Texas San Antonio quickly made the transition to remote learning last year and improvements to better engage students.
Digital Literacy - The Debate is Over
View this on-demand webinar with academic leader, Eddie Webb, as he shares how Mesa Community College is focused on student outcomes and faculty.

Blogs about digital literacy
Finding Opportunities in Higher Education During a Crisis
Learn from Dr. Melissa Vito, as she shares how The University of Texas San Antonio has responded to the pivot to online and remote learning and the lessons they have learned.
Understanding what digital skills employers want in the age of Covid-19
Read how the you can set students up for success after graduation with key skills that employers desire.
How digital literacy skills helped me thrive in my virtual internship
Hear from University of North Carolina Chapel Hill student, Valentina Arismendi, about her Adobe summer internship and her journey with digital literacy in school and on the job
See how Adobe solutions integrate with the learning management systems your faculty and students already work in.